Are You Ready for the Road? Are You a Potential Road Statistic?

If you’ve been out on the roads, you know that not everyone drives well — but most people think they do. Some drivers speed aggressively. Others wander into another lane because they aren’t paying attention. Drivers may follow too closely, make sudden turns without signalling, or weave in and out of traffic.

Aggressive drivers are known as road hazards, causing one-third of all traffic crashes. But inattentive or distracted driving is becoming more of a problem as people “multitask” by talking on the phone, texting or checking messages, eating, grooming, or even watching TV as they drive.

  1. Think back on the day you took and successfully passed your driving test. Do you drive today the same way you learned to drive?
  2. Do you make assumptions about other driver’s intentions?
  3. Do you often take risks and drive unsafely to look “cool”?
  4. Are you often under pressure from friends to do things that are unsafe while on the road?
  5. Do you consider the consequences of poor driving?
  6. Have you ever driven impaired, fatigued, or faced situations that you cannot recall the last few km?
  7. Are you aware of the emotional or mental conditions that can affect your driving ability?
  8. Do you regularly check and inspect your vehicle?
  9. How do you behave when driving?
    1. Do you get angry when other drivers drive too slowly?
    2. When is no-one around, do you go through yellow or red signal lights?
    3. Do you ignore speed limits if you think you won’t get caught?
    4. When in a hurry, do you tailgate the car in front to make them move out of your way?
    5. Sometimes you don’t wear a seat belt?
  10. Do you ever
    1. Ignore traffic control devices?
    2. Undertake improper passing?
    3. Make unsafe or illegal turns?
    4. Fail to yield the right of way?
    5. Drive beyond the posted speed limit
    6. Drive while distracted?

Driving is all about choices. You make choices about everything, and each choice has both positive and negative consequences. In driving, every choice you make increases or decreases the likelihood of a collision. Good choices lead you to become a better driver and create habits that help you become a defensive driver.


Defensive driving is driving to save lives, time, and money in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others(1) .ARM – Associates is a registered and accredited National Safety Council Defensive Driving (DDC) centre which offers various courses


DDC 8/ 6 Sedan Car:

This course will help influence drivers to make positive choices to improve driving behaviours and attitudes and encourage respectful and lawful decisions to avoid collisions and decrease traffic violations. It provides them with knowledge and collision prevention techniques that focus on behaviour, judgment, decision making, and consequences.

DDC 8/ 6 Sedan Car: ( Left Hand Drive) course is designed specifically for motorists who drive in countries with road systems that pass oncoming traffic on the left side.

This course aligns with NSC DDC principles to the unique driver safety issues facing drivers motoring on the “left side of the road.” It offers an eight-hour classroom curriculum that can be reduced to six hours if required by your local driving conditions or training needs. This interactive course includes enhanced content such as local

videos, more informative and relatable diagrams that describe the local driving environment.

DDC Professional Truck Driver (PTD) This course addresses the most common causes of truck-related incidents and provides truck drivers with the knowledge and defensive driving strategies required to avoid collisions and traffic violations.  The course covers Collision preventions through hazard recognition; preventable versus non-preventable collisions; physical and mental conditions that can affect Driving; Pre-trip, in-route, and post-trip inspection procedures; Safe driving skills related to lane management, passing, turning,

following and stopping distances, backing, blind spots, and more.

In addition to the above, ARM- Associates can help organizations develop and implement an effective fleet safety management model to protect the drivers, the vehicles, the transportation of loads, and journey management.

To find out more, please contact us.

(1) National Safety Council

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